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How to Increase Student Enrolment with Personalised Content

Posted  by Michael Wolf  on 5 December 2016

People are most interested in reading content that is useful, engaging and relates directly to them. Marketers recognise this and a recent study by Forbes found that marketers that deliver personalised experiences are seeing double-digit returns in both marketing performance and response. So how can your Registered Training Organisation (RTO) use personalised content to help you increase student enrolment?
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Essential Tools for Your Inbound Marketing Team’s Toolbox

Posted  by Michael Wolf  on 29 November 2016

To run a successful inbound marketing campaign for your Registered Training Organisation (RTO), your marketing team needs to use an essential combination of tools to develop on-going relationships with your prospective students across multiple integrated channels. The aim of all these tools is to create and align your content with your students’ needs and interests so that you convert, close and delight them over time. This blog post explores the tools that make this a reality.
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Eight Reasons Why Your Organisation Can Benefit from Lead Nurturing

Posted  by Michael Wolf  on 28 November 2016

More and more companies are using a lead nurturing strategy to successfully generate more leads and sales. Lead nurturing can play an essential role enabling companies to inform, educate and build a solid relationship with middle of the funnel leads or even lost leads and push them towards the bottom of the funnel and conversion. According to MarketingSherpa 79% of leads never convert into sales and lack of lead nurturing is the common cause of this poor performance.
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Why Personalisation is the Key to Your RTO’s Student Enrolment

Posted  by Michael Wolf  on 23 November 2016

Personalisation is the key to standing out in today’s cluttered digital landscape. A DemandGen report shows that leads who are nurtured with personalised content produce a 20% increase in sales opportunities. This is not surprising as it makes sense that prospects are more interested in reading content that is relevant to their interests and needs.
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