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How A Fractional CMO or CGO Can Benefit Your Organisation's Inbound Marketing Strategy

Posted  by Michael Wolf  on 5 May 2019

If your organisation is expanding, hiring new employees, rebranding, or rehashing an ineffective inbound marketing strategy, then you have likely looked into hiring a Chief Marketing or Chief Growth Officer (CMO or CGO). A CMO or CGO can plan, optimise and execute an effective marketing campaign for your organisation. However, full-time CMOs or CGO's also require premium salaries, which isn’t always in the budget.
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How closed-loop marketing works

Posted  by Michael Wolf  on 26 June 2018

What is closed-loop marketing? Closed-loop marketing is marketing that relies on data and insights from closed-loop reporting. “Closing the loop” just means that sales teams report to marketing about what happened to the leads that they received, which helps marketing understand their best and worst lead sources. But how exactly does closed-loop marketing work, and what tools to you need to implement it?
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Influencer Marketing

Posted  by Michael Wolf  on 15 December 2017

As commerce moves moves more and more online, opinion leaders are poised to benefit immensely. The principle of a brand ambassador selling benefits of a particular brand, and people sharing that product experience with their friends and family is not new. It’s now captured in the format of a digital key opinion leader (KOL) acting as a brand ambassador, with digital influencers sharing the product experience with their audience online.
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