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Four Ways To Personalise Your Email Campaigns

Segmentation is an effective way to personalise your emails.

Personalisation has emerged as one of the most effective marketing tactics for getting prospects to open your emails. Despite the fact that only 5% of companies are using personalisation extensively in their campaigns, Campaign Monitor reports that emails with personalised subject lines have a 26% higher open rate.

If you want your prospective students and current student body to engage with your email campaigns, then you have to send them interesting, relevant and personalised emails.

Here are four ways you can personalise emails to increase engagement:

Know what to ask

Segmentation is an effective way to personalise your emails, and ensures that you get the information to your target market. It doesn’t have to be difficult either. By asking a simple question on your website or in an email, you can split students and prospects into the most appropriate groups.

Once you figure out what your prospective students want to study, or why they want to attend your RTO, you can then send them tailored email content. Have a look at these incredible statistics from Color Whistle, who adopted this easy technique, and found their open rates increased as much as 50% based on adopting various marketing techniques.

Develop buyer personas

Buyer personas are created around your target market’s behavioural characteristics and other demographics. This is simply another way to create segmented lists, which will ensure that you are sending content that interests your students.

Your students are all individuals, but they can be put into lists together based on information such as the course they want to study at your RTO, or their current employment information. This allows you to target your market in a more direct and efficient way.

Keep time and location in mind

The effectiveness of email campaigns fluctuate with the time of day: MailChimp found that the best time of day to send an email is 10:00 am. However, you should do your own A/B testing to figure out when your target market is most responsive to your email campaigns.

To personalise emails further, you should keep location and time zones in mind. Some of your students may come from the other side of Australia and might be in a different time zone to your RTO. Make sure you know where your prospective students are located and automate your system to send their emails at the most appropriate time.

Use behavioural triggers

Behavioural triggers allow your RTO to send automated emails to real-time consumer behaviours. As a result, your prospective or current students will receive relevant, personalised emails in response to their actions.

For example, if a prospective student shows interest in a particular course on your site, you could send them an automated email with more information on the course. You could also send an email linking to a post on how previous students reviewed the course.

Email marketing should not just educate your target market—it should make them feel valued. A personalised email campaign is one of the most effective ways to generate leads, make your clients feel special and ensure that they are receiving relevant content.

Lupo Digital develops lead management strategies for RTOs that are attainable, affordable and effective. If you’d like to know more about personalisation and other inbound marketing processes, download our executive guide to lead management for RTOs.

download our inbound marketing guide for RTOs

Michael Wolf

Written by Michael Wolf

Founder of Lupo Digital, Michael is extremely passionate about digital and inbound marketing. Michael helps organisations drive rapid and sustainable customer and revenue growth.