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How To Write The Perfect Email To Reach Your Prospective Students

Email marketing is one of the most effective channels to reach your prospective students.

Email marketing is one of the most effective channels to reach your prospective students. You need to keep in mind, however, that your email is one of many that they are going to receive.

Your RTO’s email marketing strategy will only succeed if your content stands out from the rest. Your message should include carefully constructed, relevant material that targets the right people.

Here are a few email marketing best practices:

An intriguing subject line

The subject line should entice prospective students into opening your email. As such, you need to ensure that it’s intriguing and captivating. This doesn’t mean, however, that you should use SPAM-like words such as “free” or “click here”.

Keep the subject line short, punchy and relevant to your prospective students. Draw them into the email with a captivating subject line and they will be more likely to open it.

Succinct headline

Your headline is similar to the subject line in that it needs to be short, concise and captivating. Ensure that prospective students know what the email is about, without giving away too much information. Most importantly, the headline should not be misleading in any way, as this can tarnish your RTO’s reputation.

A clear call to action

Before you send out your email, ask yourself, “What do I want the students to do with this email?” Do you want them to click on a landing page? Fill out a form? Or do you simply need them to read the whole email for information?

Whatever the purpose of your email, make sure that it’s clear for the reader. Create a call to action that prompts students to take the next step. This could be a button, form or another attention-grabbing item.

List segmentation

To create the most effective content for lead generation, you need to ensure that the material you’re sending out is relevant to your target market. List segmentation is one of the best ways to do this, grouping those with similar interests and behaviours into one email marketing campaign.

Targeting and segmentation will lead to higher click rates and better audience engagement.

Your automated email marketing campaign will reduce the amount of hours spent on the project, and will free up time for your employees to work on personal lead management and nurturing efforts.

At Lupo Digital, we create lead generation strategies for RTOs that increase student engagement and assist in converting prospects into full-time students. For more information on email marketing campaigns and other inbound marketing practices, download our executive guide to lead management for RTOs.

download our inbound marketing guide for RTOs

Michael Wolf

Written by Michael Wolf

Founder of Lupo Digital, Michael is extremely passionate about digital and inbound marketing. Michael helps organisations drive rapid and sustainable customer and revenue growth.