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Lead Nurturing: How To Use Emails To Convert Leads Into Students

Knowing what to include in your emails is essential for a successful email campaign that consistently converts leads.

If your RTO has an excellent lead generation strategy, but you are struggling to convert leads into students, then an email automation campaign might be just what you need. Automated emails help create awareness around your leads’ problems, and allow you to position your RTO as their ideal solution. You can keep in touch with prospective students by sending them relevant, targeted content – move them down the sales funnel.

Furthermore, because the emails are sent out automatically, you’re free to focus your attention on closing those leads who are almost ready to convert.

Follow this step-by-step plan to convert leads with email automation

Don’t make the mistake of randomly sending out emails to all your leads, as this is unlikely to yield positive results. Instead, structure a campaign around problems and issues that are relevant to your prospective students, and show them why your RTO is best positioned to help them.

Email 1

The first email should be centred around providing valuable and educational content to your prospects. As an RTO, you can provide an overview of any courses they’ve expressed interest in. A basic look at what they can expect from you, and the promise of more amazing content, should pique their interest. Just avoid being overly promotional.

Email 2

While this email should still provide relevant and educational content, you want your prospect to think about their problem and realise that it’s worth solving. This establishes the significance of their problem and urges them to solve it by looking for a solution.

Email 3

Now it’s time to persuade prospective students that your RTO is the solution to their problem. This email should encourage them to assess their RTO options and ultimately, determine that yours might be the answer.

Email 4

This email should convince prospective students to enrol in your RTO. Consider using case studies or reviews from previous students that have excelled. This, combined with the high-quality content that you have been delivering, should be enough to seal the deal and convert leads.

Email 5

If you haven’t managed to convert leads by now, they’re probably not interested or choosing another institution. That said, you have one last shot at getting them to enrol: offer them a special deal that tips the scales in your favour and encourages them to choose your RTO.

Make sure to include a call-to-action for them to opt into your next email campaign, or contact them directly to see if you can be of further assistance.

Knowing what to include in your emails is essential for a successful email campaign that consistently converts leads. With conversion rates for this kind of email marketing campaign sitting at 10%–15%, it’s clearly an important part of any effective lead management strategy.

Lupo Digital is an inbound marketing agency that specialises in inbound marketing for RTOs, helping them with student engagement and building strong, ongoing relationships with their prospects and students. We have a passionate, experienced team dedicated to bringing all the benefits of inbound marketing to RTOs. For more information on how inbound marketing works for RTOs, download our executive guide to lead management for RTOs.

download our inbound marketing guide for RTOs


Michael Wolf

Written by Michael Wolf

Founder of Lupo Digital, Michael is extremely passionate about digital and inbound marketing. Michael helps organisations drive rapid and sustainable customer and revenue growth.