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Delight your customers with HubSpot's new Service Hub

Posted  by Glenn Miller  on 4 June 2018

Most SaaS platforms aim to deliver a best-of-breed experience within their niche or vertical. They however discover real problems when they begin expanding their offering or bolting on additional services or functions over time - very few platforms master the art of offering multiple benefits across multiple functions. Earlier in May, HubSpot Launched it's new Service Hub. Lupo Digital have been testing out the new features and functionality and we are proud to say: "HubSpot rocks! " CRM, Sales, Marketing and now Service Hub, at their core are platforms within themselves that offer best-of-breed features and functionality as well as coming together to produce a truly remarkable turn-key customer solution and experience. Truly exceptional customer service takes more than delivering a package or service on time. It takes tending to a customer’s every want and need, providing a seamless, meaningful experience throughout their entire purchasing journey. Your company can easily be up to the task with help from HubSpot’s Service Hub.
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Future-Proofing for Growth in the Age of AI

Posted  by Glenn Miller  on 18 May 2018

AI is all the rage on tech websites, but it can still seem like a pretty inaccessible tactic for B2B companies. The hype and expectations of AI are huge, yet the actual business impact it can have on B2B companies at this moment is still relatively uncertain. However, one thing sure, AI technology is advancing faster than most of us will ever be able to keep up with. Preparing a foundation for AI now will end up paying dividends down the road.
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Influencer Marketing

Posted  by Michael Wolf  on 15 December 2017

As commerce moves moves more and more online, opinion leaders are poised to benefit immensely. The principle of a brand ambassador selling benefits of a particular brand, and people sharing that product experience with their friends and family is not new. It’s now captured in the format of a digital key opinion leader (KOL) acting as a brand ambassador, with digital influencers sharing the product experience with their audience online.
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