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Ideal Buyer Personas

What is a Buyer Persona?

A Buyer Persona is...

A semi-fictional or fictional representation of your ideal customer based on customer demographics, behavior patterns, motivations, and goals.

If you were standing in front of your ideal customer about to 'help' them or ‘sell’ to them, do you have a complete and precise understanding of who they really are, why they are standing before you, and what they need your help for?

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Building Buyer Personas

  • from marketing strategies and sales playbooks to new product development, Buyer Personas inform every part of your business and brand
  • identify where your ideal customers spend time finding you, online
  • guide product and service development and your ideal customer experience

Why are Personas important?

Defining your Personas ensures you have a deeper understanding of who your target audience is. This is critical to ensure your product, service or brand are placed in front of the correct persona at the right time.

Buyer Personas 101

Learn what a buyer persona is, how to conduct research, surveys, and interviews and how to create your own.

The Ultimate Guide to Personas

Buyer Personas 101

Learn what a buyer persona is, how to conduct research, surveys, and interviews and how to create your own.

The Ultimate Guide to Personas

Make your Personas Tool

Try this free 'Make my personas tool' to help you build your Personas.

Make My Personas Now

Make your Personas Tool

Try this free 'Make my personas tool' to help you build your Personas.

Make My Personas Now

Hint From Team Lupo

" ...sit down with your team and talk about your ideal customer. Do they differ from your actual customers? Analyse the characteristics of your target audience, examine everything. Where they live? What motivates them? What concerns them? Leave no detail behind..."

Hint From Team Lupo

" ...sit down with your team and talk about your ideal customer. Do they differ from your actual customers? Analyse the characteristics of your target audience, examine everything. Where they live? What motivates them? What concerns them? Leave no detail behind..."

Need Help Developing & Building Your Buyer Personas?

Lupo Digital has a results based framework for seamlessly and quickly extracting and producing concise and relevant buyer personas for any B2B or B2C organisation.

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Need an on-site Persona Workshop for your Team?

Schedule a fun, engaging and interactive workshopping session with the Lupo Digital Strategy team.

Schedule your buyer personas workshop Now!

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