CBD College

How Lupo enrolled 188 New Students for CBD College with a Simple Referral Campaign Strategy

Lupo's Custom Referral Strategy


Referral Software

Lead Generation

CBD College

CBD College, a well established Australian Registered Training Organisation (RTO), renowned for its nationally recognised programs, aimed to grow its student base using Lupo’s Referral Program.

Collaborating with Lupo, we devised an effective and seamless referral and reward strategy through intricate integration. This case study unpack CBD College's Referral Program journey, highlighting Lupo Digital's pivotal role in achieving great results.

Industry: Education and Training

Major Challenges

Limited Referral Engagement:

  • Engaging CBD College's extensive student database in referral activities posed a major challenge. To convince students to refer peers required compelling incentives and a seamless intuitive and frictionless  process.

Inefficient Referral System:

  • Integrating the CRM with a referral system like Referral Factory was complex. Seamless data flow between platforms was essential, requiring sophisticated technical expertise to avoid discrepancies and maintain campaign performance.

Ensuring Data Quality and Relevance:

  • While the CRM database holds valuable student information, maintaining data quality and relevance for referrals was critical, needing clean and segment data to effectively target high-potential referrers with personalised campaigns.
"Lupo has provided a seamless and automated referral and reward program integrated with our CRM. This has streamlined our sales process which has led to an increase in sales."

- David (CEO) | May 2024

How we
Solved it

Targeting the Right Users:

  • We identified and reached out to CBD College's most relevant audience, ensuring maximum engagement and referrals.

Custom Automation:

  • Tailored automation processes were designed with integration between HubSpot and Referral Factory to suit CBD College's unique requirements, streamlining operations and optimising campaign effectiveness.

Smooth Execution:

  • CBD College's referral campaign was effectively executed and rigorously tested via  HubSpot and Referral Factory, guaranteeing measurable outcomes and valuable insights for future enhancements.

The Results

Lupo Digital's partnership with CBD College led to a highly successful referral campaign, achieving a 40% conversion rate. Continuing their support, Lupo Digital focuses on optimising strategies, refining content, and expanding the campaign's reach to drive sustained growth and brand engagement.

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