What percentage of visitors to your website actually convert to leads?
Your future business growth goals rely on traffic and conversion.
This calculator helps you quantify your current website traffic and conversions (business sales) in order to set your ideal number of target customers.
What percentage of visitors to your website actually convert to leads?
What percentage of leads currently convert into customers?
How does your conversion rate (visitors to leads) compare to the global conversion average (of 20%) - How many leads should you be generating from your existing traffic?
Relative to global averages, how many customers should be generated from your existing traffic?
Based on an average conversion rate of 2% (for both visitors and leads), calculate how many visitors and leads you would need to reach the desired customer sales goal.
This is Photoshop's version of Lorem Ipsum. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet.
This is Photoshop's version of Lorem Ipsum. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet.
This is Photoshop's version of Lorem Ipsum. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet.
- The traffic your marketing needs to generate and qualify, to produce meaningful leads and,
- How marketing and sales work together to convert leads into customers?
Growth comes from adjustments to sales and marketing performance. Hopefully this tools has helped you isolate where to shift your focus.
If you're still unsure or need more help with your sales and marketing growth, here are some next steps, to choose from:
Click here for more about your Inbound Digital Growth Strategy
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