#1 HubSpot Partner Agency in Australia 
for the Legal Industry

Simplify your legal operating system across


What Legal Matters Matter most to Legal Marketers?

Lupo Digital are helping Legal firms transform the way they do business by:

  • Automating New Legal Matters from Referrals.
  • Optimising referrals from past closed Matters.
  • Closing more Matters (Sales), New Leads from past Matters, New business through clever marketing and optimised sales techniques.
  • Build a robust and consistent Sales system and process across the firm.
  • Develop strong Sales Pipeline for months ahead on the back of past legal sales data.
  • Train legal minds on world-class and industry leading ‘sales’ techniques.
  • Obtain case studies and customer testimonials to promote and attract new Matters, Leads, Customers and grow their legal firm.

Why Lupo Digital?

Lupo Digital understand legal industry Software providers 

ActionStep Logo
Smokeball logo

and have built integrations with HubSpot in order to enhance and optimise their performance by leveraging AI and enabling their Smart CRM, Sales, Marketing and Website-enhanced capabilities.

Why Lupo Digital_ image

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We help you align your people, platform and processes, to solve your pain points so your organisation can scale and grow.

Lupo Digital Services,

Solutions, Technology and Execution Capability


Digital Strategy & Consulting Services

The right Plan to get results and achieve your goals.


Multi-channel, full-funnel campaigns setup and tracked the right way, to deliver excellent ROI.

Paid Media
and Ads

Results across paid ads, search and social lead generation, retargeting and re-marketing.


Search Engine optimisation

Optimise your website and improve traffic, ranking, sales and leads quality and quantity.

Sales & CRM

A Sales Operating System to maximise sales performance through customised CRM, Sales Playbook and an aligned Sales Team.

Customer Service
and Success

Improved service and nurture of customers to retain business and increase referrals.

and Services

HubSpot Solutions Partners to set up and configure the HubSpot platform, plus integration, websites, and Certified HubSpot customised training and coaching.


Websites built on HubSpot’s CMS, with built-in optimisation and SEO tools.

Creative Services

Customised, cost-effective and professional creative graphic design and video post-production solution, at your service.

API + Integrations

Integrate your Tech-Stack, HubSpot and platforms to re-define your digital ecosystem for growth

Lupo leverage a proprietary, 100% transparent and real-time value-based points pricing model.


HubSpot Solution Partner

99% positive feedback score - Read reviews here

HubSpot Solution Partner combined logo
Hubspot onboading  accredited
Certified Google Partner

Industry Sectors enjoying our success


Education & Training

Financial & Insurance Services

Distribution & Manufacturing


Other Industries

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There’s nothing to lose from a 10 minute connect-call. Tell us your pain... let’s see if we can help...

Glenn Miller

Glenn Miller

Director, Growth Strategy & Customer Experience

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Michael Wolf

Michael Wolf

Director, Growth Strategy & Customer Experience

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