
Outside your Comfort Zone


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Glenn Miller

The Comfort Zone Coach

Achieve your next level
Convert your fears into opportunity and your challenges into successes by confronting your comfort zone.
Be inspired and motivated for positive life change
with richer quality of life by breaking bad habits.
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Latest Season

Exploring your Comfort Zone

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Embark on a powerful journey together

In each episode, Glenn puts a spotlight on life impacting topics such as; time, self, performance, mindset, soul, diet, nutrition and exercise to mention a few. Together with experts in their field, each episode will inspire and compel you to action and challenge you to step 'Outside Your Comfort Zone'.

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Outside your Comfort Zone

Glenn is a Professional leader in Digital Growth Strategy & Customer Experience, a Performance Coach and Trainer, Author and Facilitator.

As an explorer in personal life and in nature, Glenn's more recently developed a passion as an action & adventure athlete.

Glenn has combined over 20 years of experience as an expert in proven people relationships to become Australia's first ever Comfort Zone Coach.


Glenn Miller

Podcast - Outside your comfort Zone - mobile

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live event, digital event or Webinar


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Glenn: "Urgh! foo-ee...Nothing to hide here! ...I don't like ever needing fine detail but some people can be silly so here goes":

  • There is something magnificent that comes with exploration and Adventure. When I say these words what immediately comes to mind is the physical; in other words: going outdoors and doing this.
  • In this podcast I will address and introduce concepts challenging and stretching this very concept beyond the physical, including but not limited to for example mental aspects, our bodies and nutrition, sleep, exercise physical and mental, meditation and the science behind all of these.. the list will go on.
  • The concept of a ‘zone’ in Comfort zone implies boundaries, defining a zone in the first place. We will challenge this but Therein lies the disclaimer. Whilst we will explore our boundaries together you will need to apply your own discretion to seek out any personal boundaries relating to you personally. My podcast is not advise it’s merely a perspective and opinion for you.
  • My goal is for this podcast to inspire, motivate and uplift you. When people feel this way magic and amazing things happen. Those motivations should be positive leading to change and action and hopefully becoming of a platform for you to influence other people that surrounding you, to do the same. The goal is to challenge our confront zone But never at the expense of recklessness or risk or harm to yourself. Where medical or physical topics are covered you need to seek professional advise specifically applicable to your personal circumstances.



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