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Talk to Us

Results First

Paid Media

From the very first moment, we focus on you and the results you are expecting from us.

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We speak with figures

iMac with HS figures


Return of Investment


Lead to Customer
conversion rate


Lead conversion rate

Live HubSpot Ad Campaign Results Bar

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Our Strategy is the difference

We won’t spend a cent of your money until we know precisely where it’s going and Why? We anticipate and predict results, wherever possible in advance.

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We test and learn with advanced tracking and
user mapping software to observe every click.

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The Process

  • Brief from you
  • Questionnaire from us
  • We absorb and finalise strategy and planning
  • We quote
  • If required we Audit
  • We begin setup
  • You proof and approve
  • We go live with tests
  • We assess, analyze recommend changes
  • We meet to debrief and gain feedback to lead quality
  • We propose optimisation
  • You approve
  • We optimise
  • Rinse and repeat
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Paid Media Platforms We Leverage

All major social, search and website platforms

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We have pioneered an effective and simple concept
with amazing results

The Concept

The Paid Media vs. Earned Media
Tug of War

Paid vs Earned Media 1

Balance is

When you invest a dollar, you want to earn and own clicks not pay for and rent them from the Major Ad platforms.

Paid vs Earned Media 2

Paid media may work for you eventually, but it definitely makes the platforms rich first and your business second, while you work out how and where it works for you.

You should aim to own your media click vs spend over the long term. You should aim to earn it vs burn it BUT it takes work and time to crack the inbalance.

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Earned Media = The Winner

In the beginning you will need to burn it (pay for it) to earn it, but with a parallel strategy to earn it, you will eventually earn more and need to pay less, if at all, for a click.

We live by this basic philosophy of aiming to earn vs. pay for your leads, and once you observe it for yourself, you won’t look back.

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How to Ensure Paid Ads Success

Timing and strategy are critical. Quick fixes are possible, but a long-term plan is better to help you convert the paid media liability into a customer generating asset.

Talk to us to find out how...

Want to Know Your Return On Ad Spends

Understand and benchmark what kind of ROI you should expect? Plan for ad spend success by estimating a few key metrics: projected monthly budget, expected CPC, target conversion rate, and more..

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Imagine... guided Paid Media that gets you; from setup to success...all done for you and together with you...

Get in touch for quick assistance

Our Partners

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Hubspot Diamond
Facebook 152x152

Transform Your Marketing Strategy with Lupo's Referral Program!

Transform Your Marketing Strategy with Lupo's Referral Program!